NONI IS A UNIQUE TROPICAL FRUIT that is grown in the Pacific Islands. It is known to the Pacific Island people as a beneficial food. Typically it is taken as a drink to enhance bodily function and support overall good health. It is widely known as the "Aspirin of the Ancient". It's been successfully used for over 2,000 years in Polynesia, China Cambodia and elsewhere and grows best wherever there is pollution free volcanic soil. The Cook Islands being one of many regions where it grows, have a unique feature; they are the only region in the world that can claim to be totally "Organic" in its horticulture.
"None" is the Cook Islands name for what we here call "Noni". In the Cook Islands the fruit has been used medicinally for hundreds of years. Today, when you travel to the Cook Islands, you will often see local people picking some of their shrubs. When the Cook Islanders do not feel well, whatever the cause, they tend to try the fruit first.
Botanically the fruit is called: Morinda Citrifolia. It grows on a shrub type tree and the size of the fruit is about the same size as a medium avocado pear. The skin has warts on it similar to a pomegranate. The shrub shows fruit some 10 months after planting. It reaches maturity in about 18 months and then yields between 4 to 8kg of fruit every month, all year round.
While many consider Noni Juice an alternative medicine, here in the South Pacific, specifically the Cook Islands where our Noni Juice supplies originate, it is also commonly known as a popular folk medicine.
Can we mix honey with noni?